+POOL Project
New York, USA

Kara Meyer
Managing Director

+Pool, USA

Kara Meyer helped start +POOL in 2015 and is managing director of the not-for-profit organisation, driving policy change to open up safe public access to the waters around New York City (NYC) for swimming. She has mobilised local community members, leading to a major directive to city agencies from the NYC Mayor’s office that new frameworks should be developed that support safe public access to water. Kara Meyer passionately believes in free and safe access to the river for all and is a steward of recreation, environmental education and public space for the community.

How a plus-shaped pool
launched a movement

+POOL is an NYC-based not-for-profit organisation, born out of an idea for a plus-shaped water-filtering floating swimming pool that captured the public imagination. +POOL has launched a movement in NYC to reclaim urban waters for swimming and inspired a series of urban swimming initiatives worldwide. As the organisation works to push new policy to create safe public access to NYC waters and support the building of its floating pool concept, it also works to educate the public on the issues affecting water quality and promote water stewardship and water safety education.

Public space

The +POOL project was born as an exercise in innovating urban architecture 
and rethinking public spaces. This initiative is particularly important in cities like 
New York City, where space comes at a premium and every square metre needs to be used strategically. By bringing together leading experts in the field, the project aims to find new solutions for urban designs that will improve public life and create more liveable spaces.

Citizens return

to the river

The citizens of New York have not enjoyed the great rivers that surround their city since the beginning of the last century. But that’s about to change. By engaging with stakeholders, community groups, local residents and organisations, the +POOL project is charting a course to open the city’s rivers as safe, public swimming areas.

21st century

aquatic facility

Sanitary requirements impose the need to find innovative filtration systems, while the design of +POOL aims to find a contemporary approach to the concept of the pool itself. + POOL is designed as four pools in one: a pool for children, a sports pool, a lap pool and a lounge pool. Each can be used independently, combined to form an Olympic-length pool or opened completely into an 800 m2 pool. Its universally recognisable shape and unusual offshore siting immediately position + POOL as an iconic piece of public infrastructure. +Pool is the perfect opportunity to rethink pool design for the modern age.


Survival Swimming Centres
South Africa

Andrew Ingram describes how the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) in South Africa converts standard shipping containers into swimming pools to teach essential water survival skills, reduce drowning and create communities.

Karim Ziady discusses the Nager à Paris programme, highlighting its success in making swimming accessible to all Parisians and improving their wellbeing.

Nager à
Paris, France

POOL Exhibition
Philadelphia, USA

Victoria Prizzia shares insights into the POOL exhibition in Philadelphia, USA, showcasing how art and design can celebrate the cultural significance of swimming pools.