What is
Pool Horizons?

Swimming pools can play a vital role in communities, providing spaces for recreation, exercise and socialising. Pool Horizons is a visionary programme aimed at addressing how the swimming pool industry can respond to today’s social and environmental challenges.

The Pool Horizons working groups act as a permanent meeting point for experts from within the swimming pool industry and from wider society who will share knowledge, expertise, information and insights.

The annual Pool Horizons Summit is a space where the swimming pool industry can get together, take a step back 
and think about the present and future role of swimming 
pools in society.

poolhorizons.com is the place to find interesting and inspiring insights that provide new ideas and provoke innovative thinking about the world of swimming pools.

Be a part of
Pool Horizons

Do you believe in the power of swimming pools
to improve people’s lives?

Be a part of this transformative journey and contribute to redefining the impact that swimming pools have on communities and the environment. 

Together, let’s redefine the horizons of swimming pools and society!